This work of Kavi Karṇapūra is a treatise on poetical theory that encompasses the theory in Rūpa Gosvāmi’s Bhakti-rasamṛta-sindhu. The author follows the literary tradition, drawing from classical works like Kāvya-prakaśa, Sahitya-darpaṇa, Dhvany–aloka and Nāṭya-śāstra and using them in the context of bhakti, with Kṛṣṇa and the gopīs as protagonists.
Students can enter into the relish of Sanskrit poetics through the examples of various forms of poetry that Babaji further commentates and analyzes according to the author’s intention. The study of this subject enables one to properly interpret śāstra such as the Śrīmad Bhāgavata, which uses a broad variety of stylistic means and poetic figures.
Time is more valuable than money because once time is gone, we can’t get it back. So we have to be very careful on how we spend our time. With each activity we do, we should ask ourselves, is this increasing our knowledge, or helping us to reach our spiritual goal? Whenever we get any free time, the best way to utilize it is to chant or listen to a spiritual lecture.