This Songbook has been compiled for the use of students at Jiva Institute and friends. The songs and prayers contained therein are the compositions of the great teachers of the Gaudyīa Vaiṣṇava School, who teach the mood of surrender and pure devotion. They are presented in original languages (Sanskrit, Bengali, Braja-bhāṣa, Hindi) and all have English translations.
The book includes important prayers and songs from Śrīmad Bhāgavata Purāṇa, which are all part of the daily morning program of Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji at Jiva Institute, Vrindavan. The study of these prayers is highly recommended by Śrī Jīva Gosvamī in Bhakti Sandarbha.
A special addition to this e-book is Babaji’s Gurudevāṣṭakam, which he composed in dedication to his honorable Gurudeva—His Holiness Śrī Haridāsa Śāstrī Mahāraja.
It is better to have a physical sickness like a fever or diarrhea, than to be tortured by your own mind. A fever is visible – you may look feverish in your face, or your skin is hot to the touch. But when something is torturing your mind, it is not easy to see, yet the suffering is there. Mental suffering is subtle and thus difficult to get rid of.