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Shastra Charcha are recordings of informal meetings between Babaji and his students and guests at Jiva Vrindavan during the Bhakti Ratna semester between October 2023 – March 2024. The entire set will contain about 120 recordings each with a duration of approx. 20-30 minutes.
Questions asked and answers provided by Babaji cover a variety of śastric and devotional subjects and practical day-to-day queries. Thus the name śāstra-charcha — discussion on śāstra, mostly scriptures relevant to Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
In between the questions, Babaji also reads from the book Chitta-vinodini, “A collection of ślokas that entertain the heart.“
You may also like Shastra-Charcha recordings from the previous Bhakti-ratna semester (2022-2023):
Ignorance is direct and theoretical knowledge is indirect. Therefore, theoretical knowledge alone cannot counteract ignorance. One needs experience which is direct knowledge.