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Shastra Charcha are recordings of informal meetings between Babaji and his students and guests at Jiva Vrindavan during the Bhakti Ratna semester between October 2023 – March 2024. The entire set will contain about 120 recordings each with a duration of approx. 20-30 minutes.
Questions asked and answers provided by Babaji cover a variety of śastric and devotional subjects and practical day-to-day queries. Thus the name śāstra-charcha — discussion on śāstra, mostly scriptures relevant to Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
In between the questions, Babaji also reads from the book Chitta-vinodini, “A collection of ślokas that entertain the heart.“
You may also like Shastra-Charcha recordings from the previous Bhakti-ratna semester (2022-2023):
The reality has to be experienced. The process first is to hear and then to study. You need a teacher and sastra. After hearing, there is reflection. This is where logic comes in. You use your logic to understand. You have to use logic to understand what is being described here. Reflection means you raise doubts, questions. It does not mean that you refute what is being said, but you try to understand.