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About the Course
This is a self-study e-Course that encompasses video recordings of the Bhakti Sandarbha Vol. I classes by Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji that took place in the Jiva Institute (Vrndavan) and was part of the entire Bhakti Ratna study curriculum of 2022-2023.
A one-time purchase includes access to:
158h of video lectures, reading the original text and translation of Bhakti Sandarbha Volume 1;
Engaging questions and answers on how to practically apply the concepts in your daily devotional practice;
Expert teacher: Babaji studied all the Six Sandarbhas from his guru, a realized teacher in paramparā. He has also translated and commented on all Six Sandarbhas.
Śrī Bhakti Sandarbha is part of if the Six Sandarbhas, or Ṣat-Sandarbhas. Penned by Śrī Jīva Goswāmī, the Ṣat-Sandarbhas has six (sat) parts each delving into a different aspect of the Bhāgavata philosophy.
Bhakti Sandarbha is the fifth Sandarbha which stands out as the pivot or the center of all the Sandarbhas. The first four provide the theoretical underpinnings that lead to it, and the last one elucidates its outcome in the form of divine love (prīti). Bhakti Sandarbha is also the most practically oriented out of the complete set, because it provides the method to be followed in one’s life. As far as a sādhaka is concerned, the other five offer only a theoretical understanding, which is however essential for authentic practice. Thus, although each of the other Sandarbhas have their own specific role and importance, ultimately it is only Bhakti Sandarbha that is the beacon light in one’s day-to-day life. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for a sincere sādhaka.
For the reasons just stated, anyone who is serious about becoming a pure devotee of Bhagavān, especially of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, must study Bhakti Sandarbha thoroughly.
The mind does not like to be in the present. It keeps on fluctuating between the past and future. A person who has a stable mind means they stay in the present. They are not in anxiety about the future, and they are not troubled by the past.